Names (nominated by)
Owen Friedrichsen (Snyder)
Kite Lin (Dottore)
Evie Harsh (Hubeny)
Melita Alaref (Fergie)
Myles Wardzala (Wightman)
Khai Cole (Fairman)
Abel Perez (Meaker)
Madeline Swol (Mori)
Emma Pieraugh (Morris)
Theo Uva (Humphrey)
Jibril Walker (Chambers)
Mya Crawford (Hill)
Our concerts are performed at Cleveland State University
in the Music and Communications Building
Click button below to see location
4th Grade celebrated the anniversary of the Bill of Rights
Click on button below to learn more
Learning + Fun in the Classroom
in math (sequencing numbers)
our culture/traditions (Hanukkah)
and in science (observing the sun, moon, and stars)
How We Express Ourselves
"Communication allows us to connect with others"
Taking Action to Bring Holiday Cheer!
Students made and delivered cookies in Mrs. Humphrey's class.
Miss Chamber's students took a candy cane challenge and delivered over 187 candy canes to people. They're not finished!
Number Talks
Working in groups to inquiry about arrays
Research + Perspective
"Perspective influences interpretation and appreciation"
Making Learning Visible
Design Challenge
Celebrating the Browns #give10 with ice skating at Public Square!
Thank you to all who helped with our December Service Projects!
We collected over 150 pairs of socks for the homeless.
We collected over 208 pairs of pajamas for children in need.
We collected over $800.00 for CMSD's Charities of Choice Campaign.
We are still collecting...and currently have, 3 boxes full of items for The Providence House. See their wish list on the right side of the blog.
Thank you for helping us bring smiles to others during the holiday season!