Central Idea: Expression takes on a variety of forms.
Lines of Inquiry:
Key Concepts; Form, Perspective, Reflection Questions:
What is the best part of you? How do you use your best part to express yourself?
Be the One to Make Earth a Better Place!!
We enjoyed reading with the special men in our lives. Thank you to all who stepped in and read with classmates. This project was planned by our Cleveland State intern, Mrs. Yakovets. We realize that some could not take the time off from work. We loved having brothers, uncles, cousin and classmates' dads who were able to spend 30 minutes reading a book with us.
Exploring change with force and motion by building catapults and seeing which will go farther, a cotton ball or a ping pong ball
Exploring change with Newton's Third Law of Motion....How can we build a Balloon Racer that will reach 5 meters? Which car will go the fastest, farthest, and has the coolest design?
Exploring the factors that cause change in weather patterns
Weather provocation table
Using the newspaper and The Weather Channel app to journal local weather and weather around the world.
We also observed the clouds each day to determine what type of clouds were present and what that could mean for our weather.
We read Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in reading groups and at Read with a Partner
This was such a great unit of inquiry!! I can't believe next week begins our final unit for the year!