During a SOLE, students are free to move around and share information. Towards the end of a session, students have the opportunity to share what they learned with the whole group. SOLE sessions fit naturally into our IB curriculum, as they both are characterized by inquiry, discovery, collaboration, and sharing.
Click on the link to see SOLE in our classroom.
During this session, our second question came...How has crisis changed cities?
After that session and due to connections made with other activities during our unit of inquiry (Communities evolve in response to their environment), we came up with our third question....
Is life better in a big city or a small town? This question led to many opinions on what is better...safety, amenities, schools, access to health care, and pollution. But we also discovered while sharing out that some were confused between what actually defines a city from a town/village. So, for our Big Question next week we decided to research....What determines a city from a town?
Check out some of our research....