It was so nice to see everyone during our student-led conferences. I still remember sitting with most of you during their first grade conferences. Wow! They have grown-up so fast! They are so committed to doing their best and being responsible. Thank you for supporting their efforts and for all you do for our class. Can you believe we're heading into November?
Central Idea; Expression and action open a door to change. Lines of Inquiry; Form; The many ways people express themselves Causation; Ways expression and action shape society Perspective; The ways expression is influenced by culture and beliefs Questions; What are the forms of expression? What motivated individuals or groups to act the way they did? In what ways have expression and action shaped society? Student-Initiated Action: We hope to see students taking action modeling the Know-Care-Do to plan and reflect on ways to make the community a better place by solving problems in a way that promotes the common good. (Social Studies; Government 10) When you KNOW about something and you CARE about it, then you DO something about it What action will we take this year and how we will we choose to express open a door to change?
For our summative assessment, students will either; create a presentation using any form of expression, of an idea for action that they hope will lead to change. They will present their ideas using the KNOW-CARE-DO model. Examples of expression are; music, movement, writing, art, etc. or Choose a person who's expression and action have shaped society and create a timeline of their life along with a paragraph explaining how this person's actions have made the community a better place. Task; Create a board game with directions and rules of play. Describe why the rules and directions are necessary.
Central Ideal; Rules and laws promote expectations. We finished our unit of inquiry for, Rules and laws promote expectations, by creating final projects on either:
1. Creating a recess game or board game with rules and directions on how to play. 2. Creating our own country with rules and laws to govern it. We had to present our projects, play the games and have them graded on rubrics created by our class on the criteria of a "fair" game or country. What makes a game or place to live fair? What do we need in order to play or live safely and with order? Our friends had fun making these decisions and have their classmates share their perspective. We searched for examples of arrays in our school, home and community. Then we wrote number stories for them and came up with creative ways to present our findings to the class. What a fun way to find math in our everyday life!