One of the coolest things about the new building, is how open it is. Going from dark rooms in spaces we created...some not having windows or even doors with a window...every room in our new building will be bright and open. Our students are used to tours and people stopping by. Now, visitors can view classes from the hallway and not have to walk into the classroom. The bottom level windows are the cafeteria. This is my favorite part of the school. PYP Classroom Primary Lockers Ms. Beers' office view of the playground School Spirit Shop Kindergarten Room PYP Classroom Science Lab View from hallway Gym (Sound proof floors)
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Ending our unit, Sharing the Planet, researching habitats and adaptation. Learning about life cycles...Hatching eggs with Maeve's mom and caterpillars donated by Miss Calvert-Mele! We can't wait to meet the baby chicks and to see our Painted Lady butterflies! Reviewing Text Evidence Picnic at Mather Mansion
Sharing the Planet
An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things. Central Idea: Biodiversity affects the survival of organisms. Questions to guide our inquiry: What is biodiversity? What are the similarities and differences between living things? How are people, plants, and animals interdependent? What happens when habitats are altered or destroyed? Why are adaptations necessary? What are some ways individuals can protect the earth and it's resources? What are finite resources and why should we share them?
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a SOLE and Mexican flowers made by Mrs. Hill's second graders.
Celebrating the end of testing and our CSU practicum, Miss Calvert-Mele's last day with...
and Dancing!!
Singing in the rain while walking to Playhouse to celebrate International Children's Theater Week
Pedal Punk was awesome!!
Filling my bucket with lots of love for Teacher Appreciation Week!
I love my "Big Muscles" and "Ready for Anything Smile!"
Love that she wrote, "You love anyone." It's so important to me that I model what I am teaching.
Thank you, parents and students, for a wonderful week!!!