Happy Spring Break, everyone!
Learning how to code with Hour of Code! Attending the Indian Music concert at Cleveland State University! Great job, Siyona! Making Bunny Bags/Buckets for The Providence House! Celebrating our efforts with surprise smoothies from Mrs. Taseff! Bailey and Brooke helped me deliver all 100 baskets. Reflecting on our progress and goals at Student-Led Conferences Enjoying my time away by doing one of my favorite things...watching the Cavs play!
Happy Spring Break, everyone!
Delaney's Mind Map Demonstrating Newton's Third Law with a Balloon Racer built by Brooke Meter sticks to measure...it went over 5 meters!! Having fun trying out all of Newton's Laws with our exploration stationsTime to experiment!Meeting a real scientist, Dr. Hunter Peckham!!Dr. Peckham, Eloise's grandpa, stopped by to help us understand how scientists use the Scientific Method with their work. Dr. Peckham's research involves the development of electrical activation to restore hand/arm control to individuals with spinal cord injuries. I was able to see "first hand," how this works... A little nervous... So cool!!!! My fingers were moving without my brain telling them to. Having fun on St. Patrick's Day!Celebrating Jaelin, who has come so far with his writing and reading responses. In his words, "Sometimes it takes us a little time to get to our goals, but you have to keep trying." He then asked, "Are you going to put this on the blog?" So if you see Jaelin, celebrate him with me. This is why you can't expect all children to have the same targets by the year's end. Growth...yes! But same end results...no! We are all working on ourselves, improving everyday...but we all are different and those differences are what make our class a beautiful place to be!
Time to think like a scientist!! Student-Initiated Action!! Sharing a personal timeline Alta experimented with different food products to find which would clean a penny the best. Conclusion: Hot Sauce Siyona designed a chair for our quiet area. Testing it out! Conclusion: Very comfy!
Reading biographies and writing summariesWe started the first week of our new unit, just reading biographies. It was the first time we pulled all our biographies out and chose a different one each day. Some students were able to read two in a day. We read biographies online using Brainpop, books, magazines, and researched about a few individuals. During the first week, we were permitted to write about our person and their action using different graphic organizers. The first week was left to just enjoy the structure of biographies. Week two was when we began to focus on how to summarize a biography and form a good paragraph. Beginning to organize our summary and answer questions about our person Training our brains to think differently in math...not so easy, but we are committed. It is so important to see math in different ways, and understand the connection between math vocabulary. We don't want to get something wrong because we have only seen it one way. So for math each day we practice guided math with the teacher, math writing (where we have to tell why), math challenge with a friend (sometimes you learn better with a friend), and math on the computer. YES!! Nothing like the victory dance after a job well done! Go, Maeve...Go, Maeve!! Yep, the entire class dances at least 3 times a day. We have lots of victories:) "Slipping into Seuss"One Fish... Enjoying a winter morning (by dismissal, it was spring-like). Only in Cleveland can we learn about 3 different types of weather in one day!Enjoying our volunteer from Junior Achievement, Mrs. Richardson. Thank you for all of the fun activities!Working with our grade 2 intern from Cleveland State, Mrs. Thompson. |