Using the pictures below, complete a See, Think, Wonder on what we will explore this week. (Provocation) Creating our own Human Modifications Fun with Measurement and Shapes 100th Day Fun!!
Creating books about landforms. We are so creative and knowledgeable! Working on time management by planning our days and reflecting on our learning. Reflecting on our week of learning. Enjoying learning more about eating healthy through our VeggieU program...Classroom Gardens! Working on geometry and measurement in math! Creating maps with keys and scales of our classroom We enjoyed the book, What it Means to Be Global shared by Alta. What a great connection to our unit!
This week, we read and discussed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s actions that led to great changes. It was interesting to hear the perspective of second graders, informally talking with one another about how thankful they were for Dr. King's actions, but then questioning some of the things that are going on in our world. They wondered why in school and at home they are taught to follow, "The Golden Rule...Treat others the way you want to be treated," if no one really does? They had some pretty deep questions, that I didn't have the answers for...and even researching didn't seem to answer them. But through it all, we decided that, we won't give up! We will keep doing our part to make the world a better a place. We also shared our dreams. The things that we may not have as much control over, but believe that just like Dr. King, we too should have dreams. We wrote about them on our blog. Feel free to read and share comments with your child or other students. They sure are thinkers! They are observers too... PAYING ATTENTION to not only their parents, teachers, and friends...but to things happening in the world. FYI: Students are now able to type, upload, create headers, attach and make corrections when posting on their blog. I did not assist with any of these and just read them this weekend. Not only did they touch my heart with their words, but I am so proud of how far they have come with their computer skills in second grade! "Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Please visit the google docs link that was emailed to families to sign-up. Some dates have already been filled. An opportunity to discover more about our classmates as we share books, artifacts, and information that helped to shape our culture, traditions and connect us to… Where We Are in Place and Time We would love to hear from parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone else connected to you! You can choose any date you want. Some months might be special to your family’s heritage. You don’t have to sign-up in order. If you need a different time, list it and I’ll get back to you. Lunch is 12:30-1:20pm, so it can’t be during that time. Building Bridges With Books We are learning about geography and how it impacts the way people live and work. To help us with this unit of inquiry, we have asked our family members to come in and share a book, photos, or artifacts that connect with our culture/traditions. Learning more about each other and the paths that led our families to this community, will help us to:
Learning about Michigan from Mrs. Kama-Starr (Delaney's mom) Learning about Slovenia from Mr. Cimperman (Maeve's dad) Learning about Ireland from Mrs. Taseff, Alta's mom! Learning about Ivy's history...from Buffalo all the way to Singapore! Thanks to her dad, Dr. McLennan! Our first grandfather came to visit. Eloise's grandpa, Dr. Kung taught shared how his family landed here all the way from China! His story had us captivated! Learning about India from Mrs. Vora!! Destiny and Jake modeling clothing typically worn by children in India. Learning about African American history, "Soul Food," and how Tristan's family made it to Cleveland. Learning about Russia and Sasha's culture from his dad, Dr. Streletzky Learning about Leo's culture from his dad, Mr. Barle
Where We Are In Place and Time
Central Idea: Geography contributes to the development of cultures. Key Concepts: Change, Causation, Relationships Provocations and questions to drive this inquiry: How would you describe where you live physically? What story do maps and globes tell us? How do geography, climate and natural resources affect the way people live and work? What is culture? What makes a place unique/different? What effect do people have on their environment?
We are all here for a reason and each one of us fits into life's big picture. So, let's do our part by setting goals for 2016 that will help make our world a better place.
What goals do you have? Kid President offers some advice for making Global Goals in his "Pep Talk for the World." It doesn't have to be huge. For some, smiling more might make a difference. For me, I would like to write to my friends and family more. I know how nice notes are when I recieve them, so I know it would make others feel good too. My Aunt recently told me something that made me sad. She said, "I sure do miss the cards and little notes you used to mail me." I never knew it meant so much to her. But now that I know, I want to do something about it. What could you do? We'll share our goals in class this week and I'll post them on the blog to let the world know... We are here for a reason! |