They were very creative with their thinking and designs!
Early life in Cleveland Problematic Scenario: There is an abandoned warehouse next to the new Campus International School. Create a plan to use that space for "something" that could benefit our students. Write a persuasive letter to Cleveland State University President, Dr. Berkman and Cleveland Schools CEO, Mr. Gordon, convincing them to enact your idea. We had many wonderful ideas for the Norton Furniture studio, music/film building, arts and enrichment building, culinary school, CIS high school, Pre-K academy, and a dorm for students to attend CIS who are homeless or don't have support at home with their school work.
They were very creative with their thinking and designs!
Systems and people change over time What factors lead to change in a city? Learning about changes over time in women's baseball with author, Deborah Hopkinson. In her book, Girl Wonder, the main character's name is Alta Weiss and she's from Vermilion, Ohio!! Our Alta couldn't believe it!! Making connections with our central idea and current events using The Plain Dealer Newspaper and Sun News
Persuasive Speeches An opportunity to share our voice Here's a sneak peek at our topics. Each student assessed their writing and then had a friend assess. I will do the final assessment. Having an opportunity to self edit and peer edit provides additional time to fix errors before turning in your writing. It's also a fun way to learn writing strategies from each other. Jungle Book Performance Miss Dottore's grade 2 class surprised us with letters of appreciation. It meant a lot to hear other students in our school express such kind words. It also showed how much the second graders look up to the third graders. Thank you Miss Dottore's class for filling our buckets!! Spelling Bee Risk-Takers!!! Delaney and Ila were the last two standing for our class. We are so proud of all who were able to participate. The Spelling Bee takes place every year for grades 3-8. If you didn't get to take part in the spelling bee this year, set a goal for next year and I'll see you on stage. I bet you'll never forget the word you missed...and now you'll always spell it correctly! April Service Project Making Baskets for children at The Providence House Thank you for all of your donations towards our Bunny Basket Project!!
Formulating questions What is the role of agriculture, industry, and natural resources in our community? Comparing and contrasting physical and political maps Earth's resources can be used for energy. What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? Life Cycles Reflecting before round 3 of testing