Oh, What Fun it is to Celebrate in December!
Congrats to our Grades 3-5 Ambassadors who came to school Ready to Learn by being Inquirers!
Inquirers develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
Names (nominated by)
Angelina Mim (Wells)
Mather Taseff (Webb)
Joshua Browning (McCarthy)
Chloe Xie (McCafferty)
Tristan Williams (Grzelak)
Eloise Peckham (Bubbett)
Deonna McElrath (Hawley)
Yazmeen Abdul-Wasi (Outrich)
Joshua Young (Guardado)
Olivia Moritz (Kirby)
Kaylee Moody (Nasca)
Jackie Garland (Glickman)
Oh, What Fun it is to...Share our holiday traditions with others!
Oh, What Fun It Is...To Perform in Winter Concerts!
Oh, What Fun it is...to explore and learn about science!
What do you See, Think, Wonder?
(Thinking about and exploring science concepts using what we already know...formulating questions about what we want to know.)
This activity was part of their unit covering Earth's Living History.
(Hands-on learning about science)
(Integrating technology to assess our understanding of science concepts)
(Experiencing science and making real-world connections through field trips)
We're so Thankful for you...
Thank you for your hard work in opening our new school and bringing two buildings together again.
Happy Holidays, Campus International School!
Enjoy this time filling up on love and laughter with family + friends.
See you in 2018!