Names (nominated by)
Andrew Monday (McCafferty)
Rianna Marshall (Webb)
Dorsa Varasteh (McCarthy)
Taaj Abdul-Wasi (Wells)
Jake Healey (Grzelak)
Patrick Rosa-Brusin (Outrich)
Leo Barle (Hawley)
Akaylah Hicks (Bubbett)
Breylen Moore (Glickman)
Nora Larkin (Kirby)
Gavin Hearst (Nasca)
Zaid Altawallbeh (Guardado)
Don't forget, on your grade level's Monday Morning Meeting, you may dress up...not down.
Smoothies to celebrate being Reflective!
Alia McCoy (enthusiasm)
Beatrice Peckham (empathy/creativity)
Michael Arrington (integrity)
Lucas Ryman (empathy)
Kaitlyn Clark (integrity/respect)
Logan Wolf (commitment)
Iyanna Massey (Confidence)
Dari’elle Johnson (empathy)
Tiffany Zheng (cooperation, enthusiasm)
Amahriah Ransom (respect)
Joy Graves (integrity, independence)
Jelyssa Banks (commitment)
Sydney Richardson (empathy)
Isabella Craun (respect, tolerance)
Makenzie Gilchrist (commitment)
All School Meeting
Discussing the results of our All School Inquiry
How much waste is produced in 1 day in our Cafe?
Students are sharing their ideas on this white board in the atrium. It's interesting to see, from K-8, what students are writing.
I'll post a picture next week to share what students think.
Each year, students can enter into the Holiday Shop T-Shirt Design contest.
Last year, 7th grader, Zena Altawallbeh won. This year, 4th grader, Destiny Hubbard won.
Classroom Morning Meetings
This week, I went around to see Morning Meetings in PYP classrooms. There is so much learning that takes place during the first 30 minutes of school. During many Class Morning Meetings, students are:
- Practicing leadership skills by taking on the role of Ambassador and leading the meeting
- Sharing personal stories
- Discussing current events...local/global
- Reviewing and learning new skills (all subjects)
- Building their mental math ability through Number Talks
- Building on their ability to self organize by planning their day and setting goals
- Building classroom culture through review of the Essential Agreements, giving "Shout-outs" to each other, and starting the day with balance
Did you know students who are 15 minutes late to school every day between Kindergarten and 8th grade, will lose one full year of school by 9th grade?
Looking at these morning boards shows why.
Ambassadors help lead their Number Talks discussion, and review of the day's agenda.
Units of Inquiry
Maybe I'll get to read it to other classes this week:)
"Making Mummies"
Individuals and Society

7th Grade Ocean Acidification projects
4th grade: Frida Kahlo inspired self portraits
7th grade Perspective drawings
After writing the song, they transferred the melody to the xylophones/metallophones and the students created a bass line on the bass xylophones that would compliment their melody. The students chose to perform the song just as an instrumental piece but here are the lyrics to get an idea of how it may have sounded if they had sung it.
Fab Lab.
They will share the process at one of our Monday Morning Meetings.
Everyone in the Campus District is extremely proud and supportive of the great things happening at Campus International School!
Keep making every moment count!