At our K-2 Monday Morning School Meeting, we celebrated September Ambassadors who were selected for being Caring.
They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experiences. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and development.
This particular attribute is really at the heart of so much of what we do because it is the way think about ourselves and the world and work to learn from experience. October is the perfect time to focus on this attribute as we prepare for student- led conferences. Although, anytime is a great time to be reflective.
Please encourage and practice this attribute at home. Great moments to be reflective might include: When a discovery is made, when a challenge seems enormous, when you are emotional about an event, when you have accomplished a goal or when you have tried and not quite accomplished a goal. You might ask questions like: Why do you think that happened? What did you do to accomplish that goal? What was the most important thing that happened today? The funniest? The most frustrating? Do you have any unanswered questions? (Be an inquirer too).
Instead of celebrating Halloween, we celebrate books! Here are the guidelines:
Choose a character from a book to dress up as who:
1.) Took action to make the world a better place
2.) Demonstrated one of the Learner Profile Attributes (list of attributes is on blog)
You must have your book with you on Oct. 31st and be ready to tell your class how your character did one of the above. Some classes may have additional requirements in the form of book reports or written assignments.
No masks, weapons or candy allowed
More information will come home from teachers as to when each class will present, additional requirements, and whether costumes may be worn or brought in.
Art to Go program
Students in 4th grade had the opportunity to study masks used for religion, entertainment and for cultural instruction during a visit from the Cleveland Museum of Art. Cultures discussed include Native America, Japan, Indonesia, Africa and Europe. We discussed the form, function and causation of each of the masks studied and found that masks can have more than one function.

4th Grade also enjoyed learning through Traveling Trunks provided by The Western Reserve Historical Society
4th grade sure learned a lot this week...and helped others learn!
New York City.
Click the link below to learn more about them or to watch their YouTube video.
Ruthanne, a friend of Ms Beers, came to talk to fifth grade about her life and answer questions about having cerebral palsy- a connection to their read aloud, Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. They learned how despite having CP, she graduated from college, lives on her own and even went sky diving. The students made connections to the IB Learner Profile and attitudes that she has exemplified throughout her life. |
Click link to learn more
Learning how to make responsible choices at school, home, and with friends
To truly make a difference in the world, we must take time to learn about others.
The more you know, the more you care, and want to do!