Thank you for helping us understand why people work in job that produce specific goods and services. We have learned so much about interdependence and specialization. Many companies count on other producers in order to make their product.
Inquiry into money, nouns, paraphrasing, and reading strategies...along with a little holiday fun!!12/11/2015 This week, we worked on separating interesting details from important information when we research. After practicing this strategy, we worked on taking important information from our research and paraphrasing it. This wasn't easy at first. It forced us to think deeply about our vocabulary and how to merge our thinking with new information. We practiced these strategies with our Scholastic News magazines and then with our SOLE question of the week. We've been earning classroom cash for completing our daily jobs, working with our teams on assignments, being respectful, and principled. We use our money to purchase goods from our classroom store. We're learning how people use money to buy goods and services in the world and in our school. Mrs. Peckham, Eloise's mom, came in to teach us about the products that are made at Nestle (where she works in marketing). We didn't realize that Nestle produced so many goods! Of course we knew about their chocolate chips:) Thank you for helping us understand why people work in job that produce specific goods and services. We have learned so much about interdependence and specialization. Many companies count on other producers in order to make their product. Action Helping friends Families sharing Informing others of a good cause Collaborating with others Enjoying the holiday season with each other! Happy Holidays! From, Roxy and Coco Our Holiday Concert, The Knowledgeable Nutcracker Sometimes you have to push work aside and go out and live...make memories that last a lifetime. That's exactly what we did after rehearsal on Thursday. The kids kept asking, "What are we doing, where are we going? We went to Playhouse to see the tree, hear the music, and make a few grown-ups laugh to see kids having so much fun. We danced and laughed until our cheeks were red. One student said, "This is the best day of my life!"
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