Central Idea: Economic activities organize the production of goods and services.
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Connection
Learner Profile Attributes:
Knowledgeable and Thinker
Attitudes we hope to see students show: Cooperation and Commitment
Lines of Inquiry:
- How resources are used in various ways
- How people use money to buy goods and services
- Why people around the world work in jobs in which they produce specific goods and services
Action: We hope to see students...
- Problem solving when items are scarce in class, home, and community.
- Thinking and discussing the process of producing goods and services in local businesses.
- Reflecting on the impact of economic activities on the environment and thinking of ways to become involved.
We were able to experience life for 3 children displaced due to war and persecution.

Welcome to Campus International,
Mr. Mathis. He is our new Dean of Students.

Happy Birthday, Eloise!