Speak kindly
Be inclusive
Respect the environment
Respect personal space
Stay with the Group
We also set new goals for our 2nd semester of Third Grade. Ask your child what they are focusing for their last semester of the school year.
With starting back a little later in January, than in the past, our week connected with celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We researched, read books, and watched 4 minutes of his, "I Have a Dream" speech. Afterwards, we wrote about,
"Our Hopes and Dreams for the Future."
I like to incorporate lessons before our day off, so students understand why they have the day off. When we come back on Tuesday, we will share any activities or discussions families had to honor Dr. King's life.
Reading these papers will facilitate conversations as they allow you to see what children are thinking and feeling. (Not everyone was finished when I took these pictures). The big question that kept coming up, "Why do children have to speak kindly when grown-ups don't?" Also, one student said, "People in the REAL WORLD don't follow the Essential Agreements."
We are the REAL WORLD and I need your help in discussing with your child, how we have to still do our part to make our homes, school, and world better....even if those around us aren't doing their part.
They sure are watching and listening!
Thank you!!