"What did all of our lessons have in common this week?" I thought she would say something about, taking action to make the world a better place. Instead she said, "That we are all connected to everything and everyone. What I eat is connected to how I live, how I treat people is connected to the world, and folktales are connected to how people lived in other parts of the world."
It was interesting to hear students connect their IB attributes and recent news events to this lesson.
Nice job, Miss Reece! We sure will miss you!!
Carla, the head of Health and Wellness for this Heinen's location, did a great job teaching us about the different food groups and how to fill our bodies with healthy food choices...especially with the holidays coming up! Did you know that Wednesdays are Half-Priced Sushi??
We will be back!!

The Plain Dealer printed this article the day before our trip to Heinen's Supermarket. It was discovered the stained-glass dome is not the work of Tiffany. It is actually the work of the Philadelphia stained-glass firm started by Italian immigrant Nicola D'Ascenzo, whose other works include the stained-glass windows at the Folger Shakespeare Library and the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
It takes time. Keep working on this with homework reading responses, and by going over assignments brought home.
I can't believe how fast this year (and loop) is going. I will always remember this group and their genuine desire to make the world a better place. One day, we will see this group of students, accept MANY awards. I consider myself lucky, to have played a small part in their beautiful journey.